All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 610

Inequality of Opportunity in the Credit Market

Do the poor have equal opportunity to participate in the credit market?

The Impact of External Governance Quality on the Economic Success and Outreach of Microfinance Institutions: Empirical Evidence

Impact of a country’'s institutional environment on MFIs’' success

The Regulatory Landscape of Microfinance in the CEMAC Region

Examining the link between microfinance policy and regulation

Public Policy on Microfinance in South America

Suggesting policy approach to enable development of microfinance

Public Policy on Microfinance in South America

Examining impact of public policies on development of microfinance

The Legal and Regulatory Environment for Microfinance in Egypt: Diagnostic Study with Focus on NGO-MFI Transformation Issues

Identifying and addressing legal barriers to microfinance growth

Evolution of Regulatory Framework for MF Sector in Pakistan

Understanding Pakistan’'s regulatory environment for microfinance

Microfinance in Vietnam: Policy Assessment

Discussing policy reforms for expanding access to microfinance

The Canada-Caribbean Remittance Corridor: Fostering Formal Remittances to Haiti and Jamaica through Effective Regulation

Improving integrity and safety of remittance markets through effective regulation

The New Regulation Framework of Bolivian NGO Microfinance Institutions: Perceptions on Risk Management, Solvency and Social Performance

Evaluating Bolivian NGO MFIs in a regulated environment