All Publications

Showing 1651 - 1660 of 1693

Malawi: Directive on Foreign Currency Exposure Limits

The laws governing prudential limits within which foreign exchange positions may be held in Malawi

Providing Cost-Effective, Indirect Assistance to Microenterprises

Where can support be channelled most effectively?

The Paradigm Shift in Microfinance: A Perspective from HIID

Can institutions providing microfinance services meet the massive demand and remain profitable?

Determinants of Credit Rationing: A Study of Informal Lenders and Formal Credit Groups in Madagascar

Examining the advantages of community-based lending groups over distant formal bank agents

Financial Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Study

How can financial systems be improved?

Development of Rural Financial Markets in Sub-Sahara Africa

Past experiences and the future of economic growth

Methodology for Microenterprise Strategy Design in the Sahel

What strategies can position and develop micro and small scale enterprise?

Underdeveloping Nigeria Through Reregulation: Will Community Banks Survive?

Will community banks in Nigeria continue to enjoy their freedom?