All Publications

Showing 1641 - 1650 of 1693

Discrimination in Installment Lending By Retailers of Consumer Durables in Apartheid South Africa

Are black households discriminated against in the supply of hire purchase loans?

Ethiopia: Licensing and Supervision of MFIs Directives

Law issued by National Bank of Ethiopia governing the licensing and supervision of MFIs in Ethiopia.

From Ends to Means: Savings and Credit as a Means to Community Mobilisation, People's Power and Housing Finance

People’'s Dialogue Report of “ACHR/TAP Workshop, Bombay”, 25 Sept-19 Oct 1996, Bombay, India

Households, Microenterprises, and Debt

Examines the role of debt as a component of household and microenterprise strategies

The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow

Has the performance of credit unions improved with donor assistance?
Case Study

Evaluation of the Impact of PRIDE/VITA (The Guinea Rural Enterprise Development Project)

The impact of PRIDE/VITA project impact on the enterpreneur's enterprise, family and well-being?

Enterprise Finance in Zimbabwe

Studying the past, present and emerging future of enterprise finance in Zimbabwe

Credit With Education: A Self-Financing Way to Empower Women

A new approach to empowering women