All Publications

Showing 421 - 430 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Technology Investment Decisions: 10 Key Questions

Key questions to consider before making a technology investment
Guide / Toolkit

The "What if.." Service Concept Test: Triple Trust Organisation's Market Research Tool To Test Microenterprise Interest in New Business Service Ideas

How effective is the "What If ..." Service Concept Test?
Guide / Toolkit

The Revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and their Relevance to Non-OECD Countries

Identifying challenges of OECD Principles and proposing reforms to respond to them
Guide / Toolkit

Tools for Market Research & Product Concept Development

Appropriate tools for market research in war-affected areas
Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to Rural Finance: Exploring Products

How to improve rural finance practice?
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Education for SEWA Bank Members: A Facilitator's Guide

Toolkit on financial literacy for members of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Poverty Assessment Tool

Measuring the depth of MFI outreach
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance and Social Funds: Guidelines for Microfinance in Poverty-Focused, Multi-sectoral Projects

Ensuring space for microfinance in multi-sectoral projects