All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Product Costing Tool

How should a MFI determine the costs of its products?
Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to Remittances: The Credit Union Experience

The mechanism and importance of remittances
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Guidelines: Microfinance Against Child Labour

Is microfinance a suitable tool for the elimination of child labour?
Guide / Toolkit

Doing Business with the Poor: A Field Guide

Key to success in developing markets is mutual growth
Guide / Toolkit

Guarantee Funds for Small Enterprises

A manual for guarantee fund managers
Guide / Toolkit

Housing Microfinance: A Guide to Practice

Understanding concepts and issues in housing microfinance
Guide / Toolkit

Market Research for Microfinance in War-Affected Areas

Tools to guide users sequentially through stages of market research
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Corporate Brand and Identity

How can an MFI assess its market position and use branding to enhance its market standing?
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Market Research for MicroFinance

How can MFIs enhance product development skills and better understand clients?
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Product Rollout

How can an MFI expand a tested product throughout the market?