All Publications

Showing 321 - 330 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Designing a Tax System for Micro and Small Businesses: Guide for Practitioners

Strategies and options for reforming tax systems in developing countries
Guide / Toolkit

Marketing for Microfinance

Developing, implementing, and monitoring a marketing strategy
Guide / Toolkit

Guidelines to Evaluate Social Performance

Social performance framework for MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

MFI Financing Strategy: Guidelines and Template

Guidelines for efficient fund management by MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit for Individual Lending for Credit Managers

A toolkit to guide credit managers to group lending methodologies to individual lending
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit for Individual Lending for Credit Officers

This toolkit enhances participants'’ loan processing and credit decision-making skills
Guide / Toolkit

FISE Tool: A Quadruple Bottomline MFI Branch Performance Rating Tool

Presented at "Microfinance Community Visioning Workshop"
Guide / Toolkit

Board and Governance Training for Microfinance Institutions Toolkit

This toolkit offers guidance to board of directors for implementation of effective governance.
Guide / Toolkit

MFI Internal Audit and Controls: Trainer's Manual

Provides practical tools and suggestions for implementing internal control system within an MFI
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit: Strategic Business Planning for Market-Led Financial Institutions

This document presents concepts to help financial institutions interpret emerging trends and issues