All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 121
Slide Deck

Is Access to Smartphones Essential to Bridge the Digital Divide?

This study looks at the role of smartphones in household resilience and the significant barriers and challenges that that prevent them from realizing their potential.

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Financial Solutions for Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods

This research provides insights on the disproportionate need and strategic opportunity for improving the lives and livelihoods of rural women.

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PAYGo Accounting Brief

This slide deck presents a review of accounting practices in the PAYGo sector with the goal of increasing awareness and transparency of the different accounting treatments used in PAYGo firms and their impact on financial reporting. 

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Women in Rural and Agricultural Livelihoods (WIRAL): Review and Synthesis of Literature and Leading Experience

This document synthesizes research conducted and key learnings to date regarding women in rural and agricultural livelihoods incorporating the work of the five core partners convened to further the WIRAL research agenda.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs - Country: India

Deep dive into the innovative strategies that fintechs used to overcome the pandemic, measures taken by the government and regulators to enable ecosystem players, and support lent from investors and accelerators. 

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Using NLP on Social Media to Assess Consumer Risks With Digital Lending Apps in India

This research presents insights on emerging customer risks from digital consumer loans in India, analyzing customer complaints and feedback on Twitter and reviews of digital lending apps on Google Play,

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COVID 19 Impact on Financial Service Providers

This slide deck presents the summary of analysis on how the pandemic impacted MFI liquidity, portfolio quality, and solvency through the end of 2020, and forward looking stress tests, with solvency scenarios for the FMI sector.

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Gender and Cash In / Cash Out (CICO) Networks

This slide deck shows how to apply a gender lens to CICO network development and presents case studies that demonstrate how gender-intentional design works in practice.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Fintechs: Côte d’Ivoire

This report attempts to gauge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fintechs in Côte d’Ivoire and understand how the ecosystem adapted and evolved during 2020.