All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 171

The Marginal Cost of Integrating Microfinance with Education Using the Unified Approach

Analyzing the feasibility and sustainability of linking non-financial services with financial ones
Guide / Toolkit

Trainers' Guide: Training of Trainers

Guide for trainers to improve training design and delivery

USAID Trains Junior Cuppers: Nicaragua

How has new skill for children of coffee producers helped improve coffee production?

Towards Sustainable Future: Financial Education for Low-income People in Poland

Presenting importance of financial education

Breaking Through Barriers to Growth: Expanding the Scope and Scale of Credit with Education in Two Regions - Mid-term Evaluation

Evaluating an integrated microfinance and life-skills program

Financial Education for Low-Income People in Practice

Developing an improved financial education package

West Africa: Microenterprise Trainers Reach Refugees

Providing effective business development services to microentrepreneurs
Guide / Toolkit

Assessing the Outcomes of Financial Education (Working Paper #3)

How to assess the outcomes and impacts of financial education programs?
Case Study

Employer-Based Homeownership Programs

Case Study: Community Empower, Corporate Housing Assistance Program