All Publications

Showing 191 - 200 of 213

Agricultural Finance: Getting the Policies Right

What issues should be considered in formulating rural finance policies?

Credit Guarantees: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge and New Avenues of Research

Can innovative approaches solve the debate about credit guarantees?

Decree of the Board of Managing Directors of Bank Indonesia Concerning Allowance for Earning Asset Losses

Banks in Indonesia will set up an allowance for earning assets losses to cover the risks from losses

Grameen Replicators: Do They Reach the Poor and are They Sustainable?

Can the Grameen miracle be replicated?
Case Study

Recent Developments in Microfinance

What lessons can be drawn from a financial crisis for regulation and supervision of MFIs?

State-owned Development Banks in Microfinance

Transforming state-owned banks into successful MFIs

Introducing Savings in Microcredit Institutions: When and How?

When and how a MFI should mobilise voluntary savings from the public?
Case Study

The Private Sector and Development: Five Case Studies (Vol.1)

Has IFC's investments made a contribution to economic growth in its host countries?

Fostering Financial Innovation for the Poor: The Policy and Regulatory Environment

Is Financial innovation crucial for MFI's to be successful in reaching the poor?

Leasing to Support Small Businesses and Microenterprises

Can leasing improve microenterprises' and small businesses' access to medium term capital finance?