All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 305

Poverty, Access to Credit and the Determinants of Participation in a New Micro-credit Program in Rural Areas of Morocco

Assessing people’'s response to microcredit program in rural Morocco

Mobile Money Study: West Bank & Gaza

How does branchless banking facilitate access to financial services?

Understanding the Impact of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Training Programs on Youth in Jordan and Rwanda

Delivering market-led programs for the youth

Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events

Measuring welfare changes associated with development programs

Egypt Financial Sector Assessment

Identifying constraints to inclusive finance in Egypt

Formalisation through Microfinance: An Empirical Study in Egypt

Investigating potential of credit as an incentive for clients to formalize
Guide / Toolkit

Guiding Framework: Rural Finance in the Near East and North Africa

Increasing access to sustainable financial services

Housing Finance for the Poor in Morocco: Programs, Policies and Institutions

Providing housing finance for low-income communities

Making Microfinance Work Better in the Middle East and North Africa

An analysis of microfinance in the Middle East and North Africa with recommendations for the future