All Publications

Showing 1171 - 1180 of 9057

Enablers for Direct Benefit Transfers of Fertiliser Subsidy

Providing ideas for cash transfer pilots for fertilizer subsidy

Microfinance Barometer 2018

Should microfinance be profitable?
Guide / Toolkit

Mobile Money Policy and Regulatory Handbook

A range of key considerations for stakeholders in the mobile money industry

Protecting Growing Prosperity: Agricultural Insurance in the Developing World

High-level conclusions on the development of smallholder insurance schemes around the world

Riding (the) Rocket to Digitised Microfinance

A review of customers’ experiences with cashless loan and savings collections in Bangladesh
Guide / Toolkit

Roadmap to Funding for Financial Institutions

A practical guide to understanding the requirements to secure funding

Spotlight on Mobile-Enabled Insurance Services

Can mobile microinsurance leapfrog traditional insurance models?

The Daily Costs of Debt: Problematising Repayment

What lies behind the commonly reported 99 percent repayment rates in Bangladesh?