All Publications

Showing 3861 - 3870 of 9057

Microfinance and Self-Help Finance System to Reduce Poverty from Pakistan: An IT-Based Solution

Paper presented at "National Conference on Community Development," March 10, 2010, Karachi, Pakistan

Microfinance Client and Funding Overview

Reviewing funding patterns and outreach in global microfinance

Microfinance in China

Presenting the current and possible future states of microfinance within China

Microfinance Industry in India

Evaluating progress of the Indian microfinance sector from an investor’s perspective

Mobile Banking for Inclusive Growth

Highlighting the potential of mobile phone technology in decreasing government intermediation
Case Study

Mobile Payments Go Viral: M-PESA in Kenya

What has led to the success of M-PESA?

Reaching the Hispanic Market through Remittances: Experience from the Credit Union Remittance Outreach Program (CUROP)

How credit unions can offer services to remittance-sending communities

Regulation & Supervision of Microfinance Business in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges & Prospects

Paper presented at the "International Conference on Microfinance Regulations," March 15-17, 2010

Resource Mobilization by the MFIs in Bangladesh

Paper presented at conference "Microfinance Regulations: Who Benefits?" March 15-17, 2010

Responding to the Regional Financial Crisis: Practical Strategies for Managing Risk While Planning for Growth

Proceedings from the conference “Encuentro Centroamericano de Microfinanzas,” September 10-11, 2009