All Publications

Showing 3841 - 3850 of 9057

Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) 2009 Impact Report

Identifying challenges to the success of small businesses

Automation of SACCOS: Assessment of Potential Solutions

Providing automation solutions for Kenyan SACCOs

Baseline Study of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Segou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites

Analyzing the impact of savings on poor women'’s lives

Cambodia Microfinance: Development and Challenges

Paper presented at "International Conference on Microfinance Regulations: Who Benefits?" March 2010
Case Study

Chemin Levi Miyo: Final Evaluation

An evaluation of this pilot project over a 24-month period beginning June 2007

Commercialisation of Microfinance in India: A Discussion on the Emperor's Apparel

Examining growth imperatives and transformation processes of microfinance

Consolidation of MFIs: Need and Challenges

Analyzing consolidation in India’s microfinance sector