All Publications

Showing 441 - 450 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Small Enterprise Initiatives

Assessing the impact of donor-funded initiatives designed to reduce poverty
Guide / Toolkit

Information and Communications Technology as a Tool for Empowerment

Can ICTs help to empower poor people?
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave-Africa Research Plan: Assessing the Demand for Micro Insurance in East Africa

The process of demand assessing in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Guide / Toolkit

Chronic Poverty: Meanings and Analytical Frameworks

An overview of the meaning of ‘"chronic poverty’", and identifying frameworks for analysis
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: Defining Options for Strategic and Operational Change

Decision making framework to address high HIV/AIDS prevalence markets
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance for Microenterprise: A Source Book for Donors

How donors can help in developing a sustainable microfinance sector?
Guide / Toolkit

Performance Measurement Framework for Business Development Services: Progress Report on the Sustainability and Cost-Effectiveness Indicators Survey

What is the status of the sustainability and cost-effectiveness indicators survey?
Guide / Toolkit

Studying Group Dynamics: An Alternative Analytical Framework for the Study of Microfinance Impacts on Poverty Reduction

What can an analysis of group dynamics tell about impact and sustainablility?
Guide / Toolkit

A Framework of Asset-Accumulation Stages and Strategies

How do people go about accumulating savings?
Guide / Toolkit

Financial Performance Monitoring: A Guide for Board Members of Microfinance Institutions

Making sense of numbers in financial documents