All Publications

Showing 371 - 380 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Trainers' Guide: Training of Trainers

Guide for trainers to improve training design and delivery
Guide / Toolkit

In-Depth Interview Guides Tanzania Country Study Qualitative Component

Guidelines and questionnaires for in-depth interviews
Guide / Toolkit

Legal & Regulatory Reform for Access to Finance: A Policy & Programming Tool

Determining a country's readiness for legal and regulatory reforms in the financial services market
Guide / Toolkit

Model Scope of Work: Legal and Regulatory Reform for Access to Finance Policy & Programming Toolkit

Is there need for a transparent microfinance policy environment?
Guide / Toolkit

A Toolkit for Designing and Implementing Staff Incentive Schemes

Why are staff incentive schemes necessary and how should they be designed?
Guide / Toolkit

Measuring Performance of Microfinance Institutions: A Framework for Reporting, Analysis, and Monitoring (Trainer's Guide)

Guiding MFIs in preparing financial performance reports
Guide / Toolkit

RTS Risk Management Guide

Combining technical and operational mechanisms to mitigate security breach in value chain
Guide / Toolkit

All Paths Lead to Learning: Common Mistakes in BDS Market Assessment and How to Avoid Them

Mistakes to be avoided while conducting a market assessment for business development services
Guide / Toolkit

An Inventory of BDS Market Assessment Methods for Programs Targeting Microenterprises

Effective use of market assessment for business development services