All Publications

Showing 341 - 350 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

CIDA's Microfinance Guidelines: Supporting the Development of Inclusive Financial Systems

Guidelines to improve effectiveness of microfinance programming
Guide / Toolkit

From Mission to Action: Management Series for Microfinance Institution (Strategic Management Toolkit Handbook)

Upgrading strategic planning and management processes in MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

Health Microinsurance Schemes: Monitoring and Evaluation Guide (Volume 1: Methodology)

Suggests a methodology to analyze and ensure the viability of health microinsurance schemes
Guide / Toolkit

How to Talk to a Bank

Helping Serbian consumers communicate with bankers
Guide / Toolkit

Partners and Action: Financial Institutions and Health, HIV & AIDS Risk Management

A guide to assist financial institutions to identify and manage risks
Guide / Toolkit

Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Policy Guidelines for Donors

How can donor support facilitate pro-poor growth?
Guide / Toolkit

Quality Audit Tool for Managing Social Performance Overview (From Mission to Action: Management Series for Microfinance Institutions)

This toolkit assesses the status and effectiveness of internal systems
Guide / Toolkit

Strategic Management Toolkit Overview (From Mission to Action: Management Series for Microfinance Institutions)

An overview of a toolkit that supports MFIs’ strategic management and double bottom line
Guide / Toolkit

Training of Trainers: Participants Resource Material

Helping microfinance trainers to train effectively
Guide / Toolkit

Capital Markets Guide for Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)

Understanding capital markets for MFI practitioners and decision-makers