All Publications

Showing 141 - 150 of 510
Guide / Toolkit

Housing Microfinance Product Development: A Handbook

Primer and practitioner's guide with field-tested tools and lessons learned
Guide / Toolkit

The Power of Women’s Market Data: A How-to Guide

How can banks capture sex-disaggregated information and gain insight on their women customers?
Guide / Toolkit

Banking on Youth: A Guide to Developing Innovative Youth Savings Programs

Discussing an efficient framework to develop savings programs tailored for the youth
Guide / Toolkit

Direct-to-Farmer Finance: Innovation Spaces Playbook

Describing innovation opportunities and new ideas to scale the potential of smallholders
Guide / Toolkit

Oral Information Management Tools: Lighting the Path to Financial Inclusion

Designing products to increase access to financial services among illiterate people
Guide / Toolkit

The Green Index: An Innovative Tool to Assess the Environmental Performance of MFIs

Examining environmental engagement of an MFI
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services Risk Assessment for Microfinance Institutions: A Pocket Guide

Providing risk mitigation strategies to MFIs interested in delivering digital financial services
Guide / Toolkit

From Extreme Poverty to Sustainable Livelihoods: A Technical Guide to the Graduation Approach

Providing guidelines to develop poverty alleviation programs
Guide / Toolkit

How to Design a Complaints Mechanism

Providing guidelines on developing an effective complaints mechanisms system
Guide / Toolkit

Livestock Value Chain Assessment from Centenary Bank

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)