All Publications

Showing 301 - 310 of 374

Credit Information Bureau in Nepal

The objective and the various directives on Credit Information Bureau

Credit Information Bureau Sri Lanka

Proceedings from the "Credit Bureau Development in South Asia," May 10-11, 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Credit Information Sharing Environment in the Maldives

Do financial institutions in Maldives require a credit bureau?

Expanding the Scope of Credit Information

What is the need for developing credit information scope and how is it done?

Exploding the Myths of Scorecard Development

Road map for developing a good model of scorecard

Global Development Finance: Harnessing Cyclical Gains for Development

What are the risks and directions of capital and debt flows?
Guide / Toolkit

Guarantee Funds for Small Enterprises

A manual for guarantee fund managers

Process Mapping for Risk Management and Process Improvement

Looking beyond an organization’'s functional boundaries
Case Study

The Financial Needs & Risks of the Microentrepreneur in Maputo, Mozambique

Understanding credit demand in urban informal markets

Working Paper on Mitigating Currency Risk for Investing in Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries

Identifying risks associated with the use of foreign direct investments by micro finance investors