All Publications

Showing 1721 - 1730 of 9057

Voice of the Client: An Analysis of Client Satisfaction and Consumer Protection Across Four MFIs in Peru

Tracking client feedback to improve impact on the populations MFIs aim to serve

Zambia Financial Diaries: Interim Report

Shedding light on the financial behavior of low-income families
Case Study

Catalyzing Inclusive Financial Systems: Chile’s Commitment to Women’s Data

Valuable lessons on collecting and using sex-disaggregated data in the financial sector
Guide / Toolkit

Client Outcome Performance (COPE) Indicators Database and Instructions

Tool for compiling, monitoring and analyzing MFI clients' poverty levels and other data
Case Study

Client Voices Georgia Country Report - Client Protection and Microfinance in Georgia: A Responsible Market with Opportunities for Improvement

Findings and industry recommendations based on input from 1000 MFI clients
Case Study

Competition in Mobile Financial Services: Lessons from Kenya &Tanzania

Insights on the role that effective competition and competition policy play in developing MFS
Case Study

Designing Financial Services to Respond to Household Shocks: A Case Study of RCPB’s Health Savings and Loan Product

Key findings on resilience from a credit union network in Burkina Faso

Evaluating the Impact of European Microfinance: The Foundations

Literature review and framework for an approach to impact assessment in microfinance

Financial Capability Building Practices in Mexico

Snapshot of the financial education and financial capability landscape in Mexico

Financial Inclusion for Children and Youth

Comprehensive overview of the current landscape with insights into upcoming opportunities