Displaying 41 - 50 of 429

COVID-19 Crisis Through a Migration Lens

This brief provides a prognosis of how the pandemic might affect global trends in international economic migration and remittances in 2020 and 2021.


Payment Aspects of Financial Inclusion in the Fintech Era

Harnessing the potential of fintech while mitigating associated risks

Increasing Financial Inclusion in the Muslim World

Evidence from an Islamic finance marketing experiment

Self-Help Group Members as Banking Agents for Deepening Financial Inclusion

This study shares insights from the rural financial institutions program and demonstrates how self help group members as banking agents or customer service points could deliver last mile banking services to the rural community in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.


No Household Left Behind: Afghanistan Targeting the Ultra Poor Impact Evaluation

Effect of the "Targeting the Ultra Poor" program on the well-being of poor households

The Nollywood Nudge: An Entertaining Approach to Saving

This paper investigates the immediate and medium-term behavioral response to an emotional trigger designed to affect biases in intertemporal financial decisions. 


Capturing Our Impact: Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion

E-book showcasing stories, videos and photos that illustrate the impact of digital innovation

Fintech: The Experience so Far

Taking stock of member countries’ fintech journey

Financial Inclusion: Europe and Central Asia Economic Update

Nearly 30 percent of unbanked adults in the Europe and Central Asia region do not trust banks, almost double the developing country average.


Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook

Update on global trends in migration and remittance flows and forecast for the future