Displaying 291 - 300 of 429

The Determinants of Financing Obstacles

How does one distinguish between financially constrained and unconstrained firms?

Global Development Finance: Harnessing Cyclical Gains for Development

What are the risks and directions of capital and debt flows?
Case Study

Pakistan: Scaling Up Rural Support Programs

Pakistan's rural support program Features, impact, expansion and lessons learnt

Expanding the Scope of Credit Information

What is the need for developing credit information scope and how is it done?

Access to Financial Services: What Do We Know Across Countries?

Why is access to financial services low in poor countries?

Financial Sector Policy and the Poor

What role do the mainstream financial systems play in poverty reduction?

Ghana: Inventory Credit for Small-Scale Farmers

How can warehouse receipt systems help small-scale farmers?

Financial Development, Growth and Poverty: How Close are the Links?

Financial depth is negatively associated with headcount poverty
Case Study

Commercial Microfinance in Egypt - The Case of the National Bank for Development

Commercial banks can play an important role for microfinance

Leasing - An Underutilized Tool in Rural Finance

How can leasing improve access to investment financing for farms and other rural enterprises?