Displaying 221 - 230 of 429

Access to Financial Services in Colombia: The "Unbanked" in Bogota

How to make financial services available to the low-income population of Colombia?

The Urban Unbanked in Mexico and the United States

Why don't the unbanked in the United States and Mexico use formal financial services?

Participatory Poverty Assessment in Mongolia

How to incorporate qualitative aspects of poverty while designing poverty reduction programs?

Releasing Constraints to Growth or Pushing on a String? The Impact of Credit, Training, Business Associations and Taxes on the Performance of Mexican Micro-firms

Are various dimensions of the business environment necessary for the growth of micro-firms?

The Role of Postal Networks in Expanding Access to Financial Services: Volume I

Examines postal financial services across continents

Timor-Leste Access to Finance for Investment and Working Capital

The regulatory environment governing microfinance & recommendations for its improvement

Banking Services for Everyone? Barriers to Bank Access and Use around the World

This document analyzes indicators of access, and barriers to deposit and payment services

Global Economic Prospects 2006: Economic Implications of Remittances and Migration

This edition of Global Economic Prospects focuses on the flow of international migrant remittances
Case Study

Expanding Bank Outreach through Retail Partnerships: Correspondent Banking in Brazil

Analysis of the growing trend of using non-bank partners to provide financial services
Case Study

Buffalo, Bakeries, and Tractors: Cases in Rural Leasing from Pakistan, Uganda, and Mexico

Discussing relevance and potential of rural leasing as a financing tool