Displaying 181 - 190 of 429

Financing Technology Entrepreneurs & SMEs in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

Examining challenges of accessing growth capital for SMEs

Integrating Seasonal Forecasts and Insurance for Adaptation among Subsistence Farmers : The Case of Malawi

Understanding poor people'’s experiences in climate change adaptation.

Who Benefits from Promoting Small and Medium Scale Enterprises? Some Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia

Assessing impact of labor market programs

Nonfarm Microenterprise Performance and the Investment Climate: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia

Exploring Ethiopia'’s rural non-farm enterprise sector

Measuring the Performance and Achievement of Social Objectives of Development Finance Institutions

This paper proposes a methodology for evaluating development finance institutions' performances

Making Microfinance Work Better in the Middle East and North Africa

An analysis of microfinance in the Middle East and North Africa with recommendations for the future

Insurance, Credit, and Technology Adoption: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi

This paper studies the impact of an innovative insurance plus credit product on technology adoption

Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India

Rainfall insurance payouts and their implications on households, financial institutions, and pricing

Impact Evaluation for Microfinance: Review of Methodological Issues

This paper argues that impact assessment is necessary for improving MFIs’ operations

Financial Development and Innovation in Small Firms

How does financial development affect innovation in small firms?