Displaying 131 - 140 of 429

Supporting Access to Finance for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises with Partial Credit Guarantees: The Moroccan Experience

Outlining the efforts of Moroccan government and other actors to support MSMEs

The New Microfinance Handbook

A financial market system perspective

Financial Sector Assessment Program: Malaysia – Sustainable Adoption of Innovative Channels for Financial Inclusion

Assessing the scope for the implementation of innovative financial inclusion channels in Malaysia

Barriers to Access to Payment Systems in Sending Countries and Proposed Solutions

Suggesting solutions to foster a healthy global remittances market

Economic Development and Islamic Finance

Discussing key features of Islamic finance relevant to economic development

Who You Train Matters: Identifying Complementary Effects of Financial Education on Migrant Households

Are financial literacy programs effective in inducing savings among remittance-receiving households?

The Global Findex Database: Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa

Measuring the extent of financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa

Does a Picture Paint a Thousand Words? Evidence from a Microcredit Marketing Experiment

Examining the impact of psychological cues on women's take up of credit

The Global Findex Database: New Data on Saving, Borrowing, and Managing Risk

Presenting data analysis to understand how people across the world use financial services