Displaying 121 - 130 of 444
Case Study

WWB Calí: Banco de Bogotá Loan Guarantee

How did loan guarantees from USAID help WWB, Cali?

Improving Microfinance Governance

Effectiveness of training in improving governance of MFIs
Guide / Toolkit

MFI Financing Strategy: Guidelines and Template

Guidelines for efficient fund management by MFIs

Study on Options, Management, and Enforcement of Collateral for Microfinance Loans in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Reviewing collateral options and legal enforcement issues for microloans

Remittances, Competition, and Fair Financial Access Opportunities in Nigeria

How to improve the flow of remittances to and from Nigeria?

Developing Innovative Financial Products: Afghanistan

Presenting financial products that do not compromise religious beliefs
Case Study

Evaluation of Africap Microfinance Fund

Examining AfriCap fund's role as a catalyst for commercialization of microfinance
Case Study

Transitions to Private Capital: Case Studies from the Liability Side of the Balance Sheet

Differences in funding strategies of MFIs