Displaying 21 - 30 of 34

Equity Participation in Financial Intermediaries: A New Donor Instrument in Rural Finance?

Do equity investments lead to the strengthening of the rural microfinance sector?
Case Study

From Informal to Formal Finance: The Transformation of an Indigenous Institution in Nepal

What are the benefits for RoSCAs in becoming financial companies?

Microfinance in Marginal and Upland Areas

Can local initiatives hasten the development of microfinance?
Case Study

Attaining Outreach with Sustainability: A Case Study of a Private Microfinance Institution in Indonesia

A private rural bank with mixed methods of individual and group lending

Outreach and Sustainability of Rural Microfinance in Asia: Observations and Recommendations

Can microfinance institutions combine poverty outreach with institutional viability?
Case Study

Cooperative Banking: A Viable Approach to Microfinance - A Case Study in the Philippines

A rural cooperative bank's success in commercial banking

Enhancing the Resilience of Microfinance Institutions and Programs: Lessons Learned from the Asian Financial Crisis

How do microfinance institutions overcome a macro economic financial crisis?

Grameen Replicators: Do They Reach the Poor and are They Sustainable?

Can the Grameen miracle be replicated?

Microfinance in the Philippines: Assessment of Viability, Sustainability and Outreach Among Grameen Replicators

Are Grameen replicators successful in the Philippines?

Upgrading, Downgrading, Linking, Innovating: Microfinance Development Strategies: A Systems Perspective

Institutional transformations and infrastructural innovations in microfinance