Displaying 11 - 20 of 72

Financial Inclusion and Microfinance: On the Cases of ODA and Analysis of the Poverty Reduction Effect

Developing microfinance official development assistance projects for poverty reduction in Korea

Microfinance – A Poverty Reducing Agent in Pakistan

Analyzing the effects of microfinance on Pakistan’s economy
Case Study

Female Access to Credit in France: How Microfinance Institutions Import Disparate Treatment from Banks

Studying the effects of MFIs' loan-size ceilings on gender

Stimulating Microenterprise Growth: Results from a Loans, Grants and Training Experiment in Uganda

Examining the effects of financial support interventions on micro and small enterprises

Cost Structure and Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions: The Potential Effects of Interest Rate Cap in Bangladesh

Examination of 216 MFIs to determine the likelihood of achieving sustainability

Remittances, Payments, and Money Transfers: Behaviors of South Asians and Indonesians

Understanding the consumer behavior in remittances and payments market

Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs): Does Existing Practice Imply a Social Objective?

Evaluating MFIs' success in fulfilling their mission of social performance

A Digital Pathway to Financial Inclusion

Presenting a vision for an inclusive digital economy that benefits the poor

The Real Impact of Improved Access to Finance: Evidence from Mexico

Evaluating impact of improved access to finance on poverty

The Microfinance Market of Cameroon: Analyzing Trends and Current Developments

Examining recent trends in Cameroon’s microfinance industry