Displaying 141 - 150 of 150

Social Return on Investment and Its Relevance to Microfinance

Is measuring social returns a better concept for assessing the impact of microfinance investments?

2003 Benchmarking Arab Microfinance

How do Arab MFIs compare to institutional performance in other regions?

2002 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report

What factors are driving the performance of MFIs in the region?

Banking Championship League

How did the top MFIs of Latin America fare in 2002?

Benchmarking Arab Microfinance

Microfinance in the Arab World

Benchmarking Latin American Microfinance: A Report from the Microfinance Information Exchange

How does performance of Latin American microfinance compare to other regions?
Case Study

Appraisal Document for XAC Mongolia

Evaluating XAC's operations and performance and documenting its transformation process

MicroBanking Bulletin

The MicroBanking Bulletin includes MFI benchmarking and performance for key trends during the period


MIX Market

For more than 15 years, dozens of data points for each provider have been collected, analyzed, and reported through MIX Market, the microfinance data service operated by MIX currently hosted by the World Bank’s Data Catalog.