Displaying 501 - 510 of 517

A Critical Review of Savings Services in Africa and Elsewhere

Can financial services meet the savings needs of the poor?

Use and Impact of Savings Among the Poor in Tanzania

Are savings services meeting the needs of the poor?

Vulnerability, Risks, Assets and Empowerment - The Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation

Do financial services help the poor cope with risk and reduce their vulnerability?

Savings and Needs in East Africa: An Infinite Variety

Is savings a risk management strategy for the poor?

Reviving Postal Savings Banks in East Africa

Can networks of postal savings banks improve financial intermediation in rural and low income areas?

Market Research for MicroFinance - Letting Demand Drive Product Development

What is the future challenge for MFI operators?

Dropouts Amongst Kenyan MicroFinance Institutions

Why is there a problem of client exits and what are the possible solutions?

Client Exits (Drop-outs) Amongst Tanzanian Microfinance Institutions

Reasons and solutions for client dropouts

Client Drop-outs From East African Microfinance Institutions

Finding out reasons behind clients drop-out from East African MFIs

The Impact of Microfinance Services: Increasing Income or Reducing Poverty?

Income: What weighs more - the level or the usage?