Displaying 331 - 340 of 517

Reaching Remote Areas: A Case for North East India

Recommendations for MFIs in north-east India to increase their outreach

The Credit-deposit Ratio: Time for a Re-think?

Should Indian banks reduce their credit-deposit ratios?

Savings Services for the Poor- An Old Need and A New Opportunity for MFIs in India

This MicroSave India Focus note focuses on the business correspondent model of savings

What does Competition Mean for Indian MFIs?

Lessons for Indian MFIs coping with a competitive environment

Cost and Benefits of Market Research for Product Development

Do market research costs outweigh its benefits for MFIs?

Capacity Building: Needs and Challenges in India

Highlighting new challenges that Indian MFIs need to address
Case Study

Are There Lessons for India from Bangladesh?

Suggests Indian microfinance learn from Bangladesh'’s experience

Microfinance - Meeting The Challenges to Realise the Potential

Overcoming barriers to expansion of financial services in the Indian microfinance sector

Understanding and Responding to the Savings Behaviour of the Low Income People in the North East Region of India

Meeting the demand for savings services
Guide / Toolkit

MicroSave Toolkit for Individual Lending for Credit Managers

A toolkit to guide credit managers to group lending methodologies to individual lending