Displaying 11 - 20 of 27

To Pay or Not to Pay? Local Institutional Differences and the Viability of Rural Credit in Nicaragua

What is the influence of the local institutional set-up on microfinance programs?

A Symposium on Savings-Led Microfinance and the Rural Poor

How to Increase the outreach of microfinance programs?

Coordination Failure in the Rural Credit Markets

Policy interventions in public sector rural banks for savings and credit services in rural markets

Microfinance Myopia: Lessons from the Mainstream

Is microfinance a victim of marketing myopia?

Client Information Sharing in Bolivia

Integrating microcredit clients into credit information systems

How to Reduce Arrears in Microfinance Institutions

What are the causes of, and solutions for, arrears in microfinance institutions?

Assessing the Need for Microenterprises in Mexico to Borrow Start-Up Capital

Factors that determine demand for borrowed seed capital among microenterprises

India's Regional Rural Banks: The Institutional Dimension of Reforms

What is the key to success for the reform of Regional Rural Banks?
Case Study

Institutional Alternatives for the Promotion of Microfinance Self-Help Groups in India

Which institutions are appropriate for the promotion of SHGs in India?

Replication: Regressive Reproduction or Progressive Evolution?

Replicating microfinance programs successfully requires careful research into clients' needs