Displaying 31 - 40 of 46

Financial Inclusion, Growth and Inequality: A Model Application to Colombia

Identifying obstacles to financial inclusion in Colombia

Islamic Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Status and Prospects

Promoting Islamic finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Credit Quality in Developing Economies: Remittances to the Rescue?

Discussing the role of remittance inflows in improving borrowers’ capacity to repay

The Finance and Growth Nexus Re-Examined: Do All Countries Benefit Equally?

Employing an econometric methodology to study the linkages between finance and growth

Too Cold, Too Hot, or Just Right? Assessing Financial Sector Development Across the Globe

Developing a framework to assess the level of performance of financial systems

The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Microfinance and Policy Implications

Analyzing the effect of the global financial crisis on MFIs

Cameroon: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

Describing Cameroon’s macroeconomic, structural, and social policies

What Drives Household Borrowing and Credit Constraints? Evidence from Bosnia & Herzegovina

Examines the determinants of households’ participation in the credit market.'

Financial Sector Reforms and Prospects for Financial Integration in Maghreb Countries

What steps can the “Maghreb” countries take towards financial integration?