Displaying 71 - 80 of 126

Financing Microfinance: Exploring the Funding Side of Microfinance Institutions

Can there be universally understood indicators in microfinance?
Case Study

The Second Story: Wholesale Microfinance in Latin America

How successful have the Microenterprises Global Credit (MG) programs been?

Costs, Economic Identity and Banking the Unbanked

Encouraging Latino immigrants to send remittances through banks

Reforming Housing Policies in Latin America Learning from Experience

How can housing finance policies in Latin America be improved?

Billions in Motion: Latino Immigrants, Remittances and Banking

Will decrease in costs and familiarity with new banking techniques improve the Latino remittances?
Case Study

Evaluation of the MIF Projects: Microfinance

The contribution of Microfinance Investment Fund (MIF) to financial sector deepening

Challenges and Opportunities of Marketing Remittances to Cuba

Transfer of remittances through a variety of formal and informal sources
Case Study

Evaluation of ProFund

How has ProFund fared?

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean

Exploring the large remittance market in Latin American and the Caribbean