Displaying 61 - 70 of 77

Does Microinsurance Help the Poor? Evidence from the Targeted Health Microinsurance Program in Vietnam 2004-2008

Examining the effects of a targeted health microinsurance program in Vietnam

Does Microcredit Increase Child Labor in Absence of Microinsurance?

Evaluating the effect of access to microinsurance on child labor

Risk Preferences and Demand for Insurance Under Price Uncertainty: An Experimental Approach for Cocoa Farmers in Côte d'Ivoire

Analyzing the relationship between farmers' demand for insurance and their risk aversion

Savings in Microinsurance: Lessons from India

Evaluating savings-linked insurance products in India

Microinsurance Utilization in Nicaragua: A Report on Effects on Children, Retention, and Health Claims

Discussing the effects of microinsurance on health outcomes
Case Study

A Business Case for Microinsurance: An Analysis of the Profitability of Microinsurance for Five Insurance Companies

Understanding the circumstances in which insurance companies generate profits from microinsurance

The Economic Value of the Willingness to Pay for a Community-Based Prepayment Scheme in Rural Cameroon

Identifying key determinants of willingness to pay for community-based health care in rural Cameroon

Marketing Complex Financial Products in Emerging Markets: Evidence From Rainfall Insurance in India

How does financial literacy impact the purchase of rainfall insurance?

Improving Credit Life Microinsurance

Designing credit life products that provide value to clients