Displaying 71 - 80 of 144

Regulation, Supervision & Support of Non-Bank Non-Cooperative Microfinance Institutions

Reviewing the microfinance landscape in Indonesia for developing a national microfinance strategy

Baitul Qirad: Reconstructing Islamic Cooperatives in Aceh, Indonesia

This paper is an assessment of strengths and weaknesses of baitul qirads (MFIs) in Indonesia

Self Help Groups in India: A Study of the Lights and Shades

Exploring social and financial impact of SHGs in the Indian context
Case Study

Rural Finance in Conflict Environments: Experiences from Nepal's Small-Farmer Cooperatives Limited (SFCL)

Examining the efficacy of farmers' cooperatives in building peace

Reconstruction and Development of the Microfinance System in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Indonesia

How can microfinance in Indonesia recover from the devastating effects of the tsunami?
Case Study

Regional Microfinance Development Nusa Tenggara Barat : Concept and Implementation Strategy

Details of a project developing microfinance in a remote province in Indonesia

Report Regional Microfinance Development Project NTB The Household Survey

Demand for microfinance among households in Indonesia - A survey

Background Paper on Microfinance Policy and Strategy

How to develop an effective policy and strategy for microfinance in Indonesia

Creating an Enabling Environment for Microfinance - The Role of Governments - Experiences from Thailand

How important is effective governance in the sustainable development of banks?