Displaying 21 - 30 of 144
Case Study

Resolving Claims Dispute in Microinsurance: Threading the Alternative Path

Presentation of the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Microinsurance used in the Philippines
Case Study

Microinsurance Awareness Pilot Campaign: Findings and Recommendations

Providing recommendations to increase awareness of microinsurance products
Case Study

Myanmar’s Financial Sector: A Challenging Environment for Banks

An overview of the financial sector in Myanmar focusing on the banking sector

Assessing Financial Literacy in Rural Laos

Survey results from the provinces Champasak, Salavan, and Savannaketh
Case Study

Programme for Sustainable Economic Development in Ghana: Promoting Insurance in Ghana

Discussing the role of the PromIGH project in strengthening the microinsurance sector in Ghana
Case Study

Microfinance Regulatory and Policy Assessment in SADC: Case Study of Namibia, Tanzania, and Zambia

Designing an efficient microfinance regulatory framework for Southern African Countries

Toward Inclusive Islamic Finance

Evaluating the potential of using Islamic microfinance for financial inclusion

Microinsurance in Uganda: Country Diagnostic Report on Market and Regulations

Providing recommendations to develop the microinsurance sector in Uganda

Advancing African Women’s Financial Inclusion

Examining opportunities and challenges to expanding financial inclusion of African women