Displaying 11 - 20 of 65

From One Generation to the Next: The Role of Parents in the Financial Inclusion of Young People

Understanding how parents can influence the financial behavior of youth

Final Impact Evaluation of the Saving for Change Program in Mali, 2009-2012

Examining the impact of a savings group program in rural Mali

Integrated Health and Microfinance: Harnessing the Strengths of Two Sectors to Improve Health and Alleviate Poverty in the Andes

Examining the state of integrated microfinance and health services in the Andes

Integrating Microfinance and Health Strategies: Examining the Evidence to Inform Policy and Practice

Combining health interventions with microfinance activities

"Saving for Change" Impact Stories

How have savings groups helped the poor tackle social issues?

Findings from Microfinance Institutions Offering Health Services to Clients

Increasing income and reducing poverty with health services