Displaying 31 - 40 of 49
Guide / Toolkit

Influencing the NAPs Inclusion - A Toolkit for Microfinance Organisations

How can MFIs achieve social impact?

From Exclusion to Inclusion through Microfinance: Critical Issues

How microfinance can help overcome financial and social exclusion in the European Union

The Impact of Peer Lending on Women Borrowing for Enterprise: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

How does microcredit encourage the growth of female entrepreneurship?

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance and Business Development Services in Europe: A Guide on Good Practices

How can knowledge of good practices help the delivery of business development services in Europe?

Status of Microfinance in Western Europe - An Academic Review

How has microfinance evolved in Western European and what is its future?

From Exclusion to Inclusion through Microfinance (Policy Brief)

This paper recommends ways for European governments to develop inclusive financial systems

Women and Microlending in Western Europe

What are the constraints to micro lending for women in Western Europe?
Guide / Toolkit

Nurturing Immigrant Entrepreneurship: A Handbook for Microcredit and Business Support

On Immigrant micro-entrepreneurs, and the challenges and good practices in 6 European countries