Displaying 21 - 28 of 28

New SME Financial Access Initiatives: Private Foundations' Path to Donor Partnerships

Identifying opportunities for collaborations between private foundations and donors

Policy Principles for Expanding Financial Access

Principles for policymakers to enhance financial inclusion

The Impact of Microcredit on the Poor in Bangladesh: Revisiting the Evidence

Examining literature on the impact of microcredit

The Provision of Banking Services in Latin America: Obstacles and Recommendations

Recommendations to help low-income people access banking services in Latin America

Developing a Methodology for Assessing Aid Effectiveness: An Options Paper

Developing an enhanced aid effectiveness measurement

Credit Elasticities in Less-developed Economies: Implications for Microcredit

The study tests demand for microcredit using data from a field experiment in South Africa

Microfinance as Business

How do some MFIs succeed in covering costs, earning returns, attracting capital and scaling up?