Displaying 11 - 20 of 22
Case Study

Client Voices Pakistan Country Report

Exploring the dynamics of long-term relationships between MFIs and their clients

Do Agents Improve Financial Inclusion? Evidence from a National Survey in Brazil

Analyzing the access to formal financial services with the help of agent networks

Correspondent Banking in Mexico’s Rural Areas: Lessons from a G2P Payment Digitization and Financial Inclusion Project

Evaluating the impact of payment digitization on Mexico’s government-to-person payment platform

Financial Capability and the Poor: Are we Missing the Mark?

Understanding consumers’ perspectives on financial capability

Demand Study of Domestic Payments in the Philippines

Assessing demand for domestic payment services in the Philippines

Consumer Experiences in Branchless Banking

Reaching vulnerable populations through branchless banking

South African Financial Diaries and the Mzansi Initiative: Five Years Later

Studying impact of bank accounts on financial behavior

How Enabling is the Latin American Environment for Mobile Money?

Examining regulatory environment for mobile money in Latin America

Managing the Risk of Mobile Banking Technologies

Dealing with the risk of mobile financial services