Displaying 11 - 20 of 32

Digitizing Payments Can Add $6.2 Billion to Bangladesh’s Annual GDP

The Government of Bangladesh, in partnership with the UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance, just launched its 2022-2025 National Digital Payments Roadmap – a call to action for key public and private sector actors to speed up responsible payment digitization to leave no one behind.


Bangladesh Digital Payments Country Diagnostic (2022 Edition)

This country analysis estimates that digital payments can boost Bangladesh’s annual GDP, and responsible payments digitization in certain sectors will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs by 2030.


Bangladesh’s National Digital Payments Roadmap 2022-2025

This study is designed to accelerate collaboration between the public and private stakeholders, presenting a framework for using new approaches and technologies to transform the payment ecosystem.


Towards Responsible Digitization of Merchants in Rural India for COVID-19 Recovery

These 10 recommendations aim to unlock the impact of fintech in merchant digitization, particular for women, and  to further India’s progress on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


State of Digital Payments in the Philippines - Highlights Report (2021 edition)


Improving Humanitarian Payments Through Digital Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities

This report offers research-based analysis and practical advice for humanitarian agencies on the advantages and areas for growth of five key financial technologies in digital payments: mobile money, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology (i.e. blockchain), super platforms and QR codes.


From Cash to Digital Wage Payments in the Philippines: Win-Win for Enterprises and Women Employees

This research study analyzes the financial behaviors and attitudes of Filipino workers and the benefits and challenges for enterprises and workers to move from cash to digital wage payments.


Digitizing Workers' Payments for Economic Recovery and Decent Work

This study offers a unique perspective by comparing concrete experiences of large companies to small and medium enterprises.


Reaching Financial Equality for Women

This 10-point action plan for governments and businesses shares practical steps to help end the continued economic exclusion of women through digital financial inclusion.

Guide / Toolkit

The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments

The UN Principles for Responsible Digital Payments are a practical nine-part guide to building trust, mitigating risks and driving inclusive economies.