Displaying 101 - 110 of 182

Labour Pains: Discovering the Financial Lives of Zambian Mothers

Needs, challenges and opportunities for inclusion in digital financial services

State of the Digital Financial Services Market in Zambia, 2017

Findings from an annual survey of digital financial service providers

Examining Customer Journeys at Financial Institutions in Cambodia: Using Big Data to Advance Women’s Financial Inclusion

Applying a gender lens to understand customers' long-term financial service use

Uganda Country Assessment on Affordable and Accessible Remittances for Forcibly Displaced Persons and Host Communities

Overview of demand, supply and regulatory constraints
Guide / Toolkit

Accessible and Affordable Remittance Services for Refugees: A Toolkit

Practical guide for performing country assessments of remittance channels
Case Study

Growing Big While Still Small: A Case Study on Kazang Prepaid

How to deal with the classic challenges impeding the expansion of agent networks
Case Study

Taking Human-Centered Design from Theory to Practice: UGAFODE’S AirSave Considerations for Financial Service Providers

How can formal savings tools be better suited to the needs of low-income Ugandans?