Displaying 261 - 270 of 432

CGAP Country-Level Savings Assessment: Uganda

Identifying constraints and opportunities for improving small balance deposit services

Policy Issues and the Enabling Environment for Rural Financial Access

Is there a case for interventions in rural finance markets?

Microfinance and Poverty: Evidence Using Panel Data from Bangladesh

Does microfinance actually reduce poverty?

Measuring Financial Access: Outlining the Scope of Current Data Collection Efforts

The need for macroeconomic indicators to gauge financial access

Indicators of Financial Access - Household-level Surveys

How are the concepts underpinning indicators of financial access defined, selected and measured?

Financing Productive Assets in Social Funds and CDD

Financing private productive goods, an exploration of options

Weather Indexes for Developing Countries

Providing weather insurance to developing countries
Case Study

Weather-based Insurance in Southern Africa: The Case of Malawi

Weather risk management techniques on food security in Malawi as a framework for Southern Africa

Microfinance in Social Funds and CDD Projects: Building Financial Systems that Work for the Poor

Improving ability of households to manage risks and build economic security

Improving Credit Information, Bank Regulation, and Supervision: On the Role and Design of Public Credit Registries

How do public credit registries help in credit information sharing and bank supervision?