Displaying 91 - 100 of 444
Case Study

Nepal Case Study: Adapting Approaches and Products to Persevere During Conflict

Lessons learnt from the transformation of an MFI operating in a conflict environment

Reducing Adolescent Girls' Vulnerability to HIV Infection: Examining Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihood Approaches

Microfinance's role in reducing girls' vulnerability to HIV infection in developing countries
Case Study

Kosovo Case Study: Linkages between Microfinance and Other Livelihood Programs

Linking short-term impact programs with long-term economic recovery needs

Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: Risk Mitigation Strategies for MFIs in High-prevalence AIDS Markets

Mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS on MFI operations

MD Overview: Clients Affected by HIV/AIDS

Role of MFIs in mitigating devastating effects of HIV/AIDS on poor households and communities.

Pakistan: Widening Harmonized Access to Microfinance (WHAM)

Evaluating a program to promote financial access in Pakistan

Microinsurance for Markets Affected by HIV/AIDS

Challenges and risks of serving microinsurance to communities with a high prevalence of HIV/AIDS
Case Study

Impact Assessment of the Growth Oriented Micro-Enterprise Development Program (GMED) India

Assessing the impact of microenterprise on poverty reduction

Maximizing Choice: Diverse Approaches to the Challenge of Housing Microfinance

Reviewing recent innovations in housing finance

Visions of the Future of Microinsurance, and Thoughts on Getting There

Delivering microinsurance products to large numbers of low-income people