Displaying 201 - 210 of 233

Proposal for a Social Performance Measurement Framework in Microfinance: The Six Aspects of Outreach

Conceptual framework for social performance management of MFIs

Social Return on Investment for Microenterprise Development

Presentation at the AEO conference, Portland, May 2005

Beyond Economic Benefits: The Contribution to Microfinance to Post-conflict Recovery in Asia and the Pacific

Can microfinance promote social mobilization, empowerment, stabilization and peace building?

Social Rating Overview of MFIs

The integration of social aspect into the financial and managerial operations of MFIs

A Matching of Two Promises: Microfinance And Social Responsibility

Socially responsible savings and microfinance

Social Performance Management in Microfinance: Guidelines

Providing a framework for MFIs to manage their social performance

Tracking Client Performance: Monitoring Systems for Social Performance Management

A cost effective way for MFIs to meet their social goals

Working with Formal Financial Institutions: Expanding Access and Achieving Social Performance

Rationale for governments, donors and social investors for working with the formal financial sector