Displaying 371 - 380 of 390

Capital Enhancement Guarantees and Risk Management by Capital-Constrained Lenders

Examining techniques that can encourage lenders to make loans they wouldn't otherwise make

A TOFFE Risk Assessment Report from CreditWatch

Finding out the areas that the Welfare Society of Eastern India needs to improve upon
Guide / Toolkit

Liquidity Management: A Toolkit for Microfinance Institutions

Providing guidelines on implementing liquidity management in MFIs

Savings and Needs in East Africa: An Infinite Variety

Is savings a risk management strategy for the poor?

Information Sharing in Credit Markets: International Evidence

Are public credit registers appropriate?

Loan Guarantee Programs for Small-scale Borrowers: Are they Working?

The Philippine experience of loan guarantee scheme for small scale borrowers

Credit Information In the Bangladesh Financial System

Where should the credit information industry go next?
Guide / Toolkit

Check Fraud: A Guide to Avoiding Losses

What is check fraud? How can financial institutions avoid it?

Group Lending, Local Information and Peer Selection

What risks are involved in credit coalitions?