Displaying 221 - 230 of 390

Study on Options, Management, and Enforcement of Collateral for Microfinance Loans in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Reviewing collateral options and legal enforcement issues for microloans
Case Study

Agricultural Insurance in Developing Countries: An Introduction and a Case Study in Tamil Nadu, India

Designing insurance solutions for the poor

Lying About Borrowing

Questioning the reliability of borrowing self-reports

Lending to Uncreditworthy Borrowers

Examining competition between new and existing credit providers in developing markets

Over-Borrowing and Competition: Are Credit Bureaus the Solution?

Studying the relationship between multiple borrowing and repayment performance

MFI Capital Structure Decision Making: A Call for Greater Awareness

Helping MFIs evaluate funding sources
Case Study

Managing Agricultural Risk at the Country Level: The Case of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Mongolia

Designing a sustainable livestock insurance program
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Institution (MFI) Grading Criteria

Outlining the methodology to evaluate MFIs

Guaranty: Where Private Ordering Meets the Legal System

When can joint liability system achieve efficiency?

Managing Credit Risk in Rural Financial Institutions in Latin America

Provides recommendations for improving rural financial institution’s credit risk management