Displaying 71 - 80 of 500

Learning Brief: VSLA and CARE Adaptations to COVID-19 and Past Crises

Examples and experiences of mitigating measures to lessen the impact and adapt during the pandemic

Self-Help Group Members as Banking Agents for Deepening Financial Inclusion

This study shares insights from the rural financial institutions program and demonstrates how self help group members as banking agents or customer service points could deliver last mile banking services to the rural community in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.


How to Improve Liquidity Management for Agents Serving Small Informal Groups and Savers

A 'how-to' note explaining the importance of agent liquidity management

Getting Closer

Expanding outreach and increasing usage through better placement of touchpoints

Savings Groups and COVID-19

A set of recommendations to guide the work of Savings Groups during this global pandemic

Zooming in on Informal Savings Mechanisms in Zambia

Key findings from a qualitative research on users of informal savings