Displaying 181 - 190 of 500

Increasing Impact with Savings-linked Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs)

How do linking Conditional Cash Transfers to savings accounts help the cause of financial inclusion?

Mass Retail Banking: How Savings Banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America Can Provide Usable Services to the Poor

How can savings banks achieve take-up of their products and services by poor people?

The Global Findex Database: New Data on Saving, Borrowing, and Managing Risk

Presenting data analysis to understand how people across the world use financial services

Using Credit to Grow Savings: Results from a Mobile Pilot in Kenya

Can financial services be sold with minimum human contact?

Weather Insured Savings Accounts

Assessing famers' response to a mixed financial product

Kenya's Mobile Revolution and the Promise of Mobile Savings

Examining the evolution of mobile savings in Kenya

Does Poor People's Access To Formal Banking Services Raise Their Incomes?

Examining the impact of financial inclusion on poverty alleviation
Case Study

Transforming Microfinance in Kenya: the Experience of Faulu Kenya and Kenya Women Finance Trust

Examining the transformation of MFIs into deposit-taking organizations in Kenya

What Do Youth Savers Want? Results from Market Research in Four Countries

Learning about what youth want in savings accounts
Case Study

Savings Volatility Analysis: CARD Bank

The role of savings volatility analysis in the liquidity management and product development of MFIs