Displaying 141 - 150 of 500

Inclusive Savings for Remittance Clients: A Practical Framework

Designing inclusive remittances and savings products

The Wisdom of the Group: How Lessons from Savings Groups Can Guide Financial Product Innovation

Analyzing the mechanisms that make savings groups effective
Guide / Toolkit

Banking on Youth: A Guide to Developing Innovative Youth Savings Programs

Discussing an efficient framework to develop savings programs tailored for the youth

How Can BC-MFIs Tap Household Savings?

Developing MFIs as savings service providers

Practical Issues in Local Saving Mobilization by MFIs

Highlighting issues encountered by Ethiopian MFIs attempting to mobilize savings
Case Study

Loose Knots: Strong versus Weak Commitments to Save for Education in Uganda

Studying the effectiveness of different savings devices
Case Study

A Study on the Use and Benefits of Technology to Promote Youth Savings

Using technology to encourage savings among youth

Financial Education and Access to Savings Accounts: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Ugandan Youth Clubs

Assessing the relationship between financial education and access to savings accounts